YRGBK 3 Quick Start Guide
YRGBK3 converts full color images into multichannel color separations for screen printing on light and dark substrates. YRGBK creates Simulated Process colors, using a specific set of 7 color channels, plus White and Black, to reproduce a full color image. The settings are fully customizable, and can be saved to create custom separation profiles.
Copy the entire pspscripts folder, located in the download, to Adobe Photoshops scripts folder
(If a pspscripts folder already exists copy only the contents to the existing folder) Located in:
(Windows) Program Files folder: ~ Adobe Photoshop/presets/scripts
(Mac) Applications folder: ~ Adobe Photoshop/presets/scripts
In the Downloads folder, double click on the YRGBK.atn file to install the Action into Photoshop. In the Action window menu, set the window to Button Mode.
Before beginning it is best to configure Adobe Photoshop's color settings.
Edit/Color Settings.
• In the color settings window set the Working spaces RGB profile to Adobe RGB.
• Set the Gray Working space and the Spot Working space to 30% (or use a custom value).
Start with an open Adobe Photoshop document, in RGB mode, containing a single layer on a transparent background.
File/Scripts/PSP YRGBK3
Click on the YRGBK3 button in the Actions window, if installed.
Selecting the script prepares a new document and opens the YRGBK3 window. See Creating a Color Separation in YRGBK 3.