YRGBK 3 Settings

YRGBK 3.0 Settings

See the Quick Start Guide for installation and setup.
or Creating a Color Separation for instructions.

All of the settings for configuring a color separation are displayed in the main window.
The interface consists of 5 tabs across the top containing the various settings, and 4 buttons along the bottom for operations.
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 The YRGBK color separation script starts by displaying the Settings tab
 The secondary configurations are in the Options tab
 the Color, Black and White tabs provide more options for configuration
 The ok button runs the program
 The preview button displays the preview
 The reset button resets all settings
 The cancel button closes the window without saving
The 5 tabs are :
Settings, Color, Black, White and Options
• The Settings Tab :
The settings tab is the main interface for customizing a color separation.
• The Options Tab :
The options tab is the interface for configuring the script
• The Color, Black and White tabs :
When the More Settings box is selected in the Options tab, the three additional tabs are displayed for fine tuning a projects settings.

The 4 Buttons are:
• The OK button
Runs the script using the current settings. The Settings are saved and loaded as the start values the next time the script is run.
• The PREVIEW button
Displays a preview of the output generated by the current settings. Settings are Not saved.
• The RESET button
Resets all Settings to the default values.
• The CANCEL button
Cancels the operation. Settings are Not saved.

Settings and Options
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The Settings tab is the main interface for configuring a color separation displaying both a preview and a list of the color channels generated.
 The main settings tab for the YRGBK color separation script
 The thumbnail preview for the current color separation
the auto density setting sets the darkest pixel values to 100%
The density slider provides a global density adjustment for all colors
The slider to adjust the overall saturation of the final color separation
the slider to adjust the overall brightness of the final color separation
Color boxes displaying the ink colors generated by the yrgbk script
Text boxes to enter the opacity values of the ink colors
Checkboxes to determine if a color is output to the final color separation or preview
• Settings Tab
The controls in this tab adjust the density, saturation and opacity of the colors and the brightness of the Black, Light Black and Gray.
• Preview thumbnail
At the top left of the Settings tab is a thumbnail display of the current project. An image can be generated for the thumbnail by clicking the Preview Button.
• Auto
The Auto check box sets each colors darkest pixel value to 100%. The auto selection overrides the Color Levels in the color tab.
• Density
The Density slider adjusts the values of all Color Levels in the Color tab, or the value of the auto selection if Auto is checked. The higher the value of the density slider the greater the density of each color channel.
• Saturation
The slider increases or decreases the middle range of each color channel. The effect is to increase or decrease the overall saturation of the final image. - The Saturation Slider adjusts for dot gain in the colors.
• Brightness
The Brightness slider adjusts the mid range values in the Black channels.
• Ink Color
The Ink color boxes in the right column display the color channels used to generate the separation. The color boxes can be updated to reflect the current options by clicking the Preview button.
• Opacity
The Opacity settings determine the transparency of the color channels.
• Output
The Output checkboxes determine whether a generated channel is output. Channels that display in the Settings tab color boxes are always generated, while unchecking the output box keeps them from being output. (To control which channels are generated use the setting in the Options tab)

The Options tab determines how the script is configured. The Options allow the preview size and settings to be changed, configure which channels are being generated, display additional settings, save and load settings, and more.
The options tab sets the preferences for the yrgbk script
The preview slider determines the size of the preview image
The sRGB checkbox sets the preview and separation color profile to Srgb
THe display preview checkbox determines if the preview window is displayed
The Keep RGB channels box determines if the RGB channels are kept in the final separation
The substrate color box allows the color of the substrate to be changed
The Generate channels checkboxes determine which channels are generated for the color separation
The Edit color settings check box opens Adobe Photoshops color settings dialog before generating a color separation
The Black and White check box sets the darkest pixels in the RGB image to black and opens a curves dialog
The cleanup checkbox runs a process that clears light and stray pixels from the color separation
The setting name text box displays the loaded settings and allows a custom setting name to be applied to the saved settings
The Load settings button allows custom settings and preset settings to be loaded into the script
The save settings option allows custom settings to be saved
THe more otions checkbox displays additional settings tabs in the top menu
The save to desktop checkbox allows custom settings to be saved to and loaded from the desktop
The settings presets store pre made settings that can be loaded into the script for different types of images
• Options Tab
The options tab contains the primary configuration options.
• Preview slider
Controls the width of the preview window.
• sRGB
Saves the preview using an Srgb color profile. Useful when separating images in the Srgb color profile.
• Display Preview
Turns the main Preview window on or off. if Display Preview is unchecked, only the Settings channel list and the preview thumbnail are generated when the preview button is clicked.
• Keep RGB
Keeps the RGB channels of the original image in the color separation.
• Substrate Color
Sets the color of the substrate channel.
• Generate Channels
Determines which channels are generated by the script.
• Edit Color Settings
Opens Adobe Photoshop's color settings dialog when the script is run. The Color Settings dialog can be used to change the Dot gain for both the Colors and the Gray values.
• Set Black and White
Opens a curves dialog for custom adjustments while automatically setting the black point of the image, before running the separation.
• Cleanup
Removes stray pixels and reduces color overlaps. Good for graphics where there are clearer distinctions between colors.
• Setting Name
Displays the name of the last setting loaded, or changed to a custom name for saving settings. Names entered in the Custom text box can be used to store and retrieve settings with the Save and Load Buttons.
• Load Settings
The button opens a new window which displays the custom file path, as well as a drop down menu for selecting settings presets.
• Save Settings
The button will save a custom setting using the name in the custom settings text box.
• More Settings
Displays or hides the three additional setting tabs: Color, Black and White.
• Save to Desktop
Saves a settings file to the desktop and changes the file path for the load settings option.
• Settings Presets
When the load settings option is selected a new window opens containing a dropdown menu with5 presets:
-Load File loads a custom settings file using file path displayed.
-Standard is the default YRGBK setting, and is the closest to the original YRGBK settings.
-Photo optimizes for image fidelity and photographic qualities.
-Graphic optimizes for distinct colors and a cleaner separation.
-Dark Substrates sets the separation up for printing on a dark substrate.

The Color tab is used to customize how the colors are being generated. The colors can be adjusted for both shadows and highlights, as well as the transitions between colors. The density of the colors can also be adjusted individually to create color profiles for different ink sets.
The color tab contains the settings for adjusting the colors generated for the color separation
THe Use ink colors box loads printable ink colors into the channel settings and makes the required adjustments
The shadow color checkbox allows colors in the darkest areas of an image to be adjusted
The highlight color checkbox allows colors in the lightest areas of an image to be adjusted
THe transition mask checkbox limits color adjustments in the transitional areas of the colors
The Merge Output colors box merges colors that are not output in the settings dialog
THe color Levels sliders adjust the density each color
The Balance slider adjusts the mid range values of each color
• Color Tab
• Use Ink Colors
Use Ink Colors sets the output channels colors to printable ink. values and makes the required adjustments.
• Shadow Color
The amount of color printing in the shadows.
• Highlight Color
Increases the amount of color printing in the highlights.
• Transition Mask
Limits the levels adjustment applied to color transitions.
• Merge Output Colors
Applies channel values to adjacent hues when a colors Output option is unchecked in the Settings tab.
• Color Levels
(Yellow through Purple) Adjusts the Density (Black point) of the individual color channels.
• Balance
The mid range values of the levels adjustment.

The Black tab settings control how the Black, Gray and Light Black channels are being generated. The Black can also be adjusted for individual and overall color levels, as well as tint, tones and shadow areas.
The Black tab contains the settings for generating a black channel
The colors slider adjusts the amout of black printing into all the colors
The tint slider adjusts the amount of black in the lightest colors of an image
TheTone slider adjusts the amount of black in the mid range colors
the Shade slider adjusts the amount of black in the darkest colors of an image
the Gray color slider adjusts the amount of gray printing into the colors
The Gray value slider determines the value of the gray generated
The Lt Black ramp determines the range of values printed by the Light Black channel
The Black levels alider determines the amount of black printing into each color
 The shadow slider adjust the black in the darkest areas of an image
the equalize checkbox equalizes the black values for the ink colors
• Black Tab
Customize the Black, light Black, and Gray channels.
• Colors
The slider controls the amount of Black printing into the colors. Higher values generate more Black in the color areas of an image.
• Tint
The slider adjusts the amount of Black in the light colors.
• Tone
The slider adjusts the amount of Black in the mid range colors.
• Shade
The slider adjusts the amount of Black in the dark colors.
• Colors
The slider controls the amount of Gray printing into the colors. Higher values generates more Gray in the color areas of an image.
• Value
The slider controls the value of the gray. Higher values generate a darker gray, and removes those values from the Black channel.
Light Black
• Ramp
The slider determines the value range of the Light Black channel, and removes them from the Black.
• Black Levels
The sliders ( Yellow through Purple) allow the amount of black to be adjusted for each color.
• Shadow
The slider lightens the darkest parts of an image, regardless of color.
• Equalize
The checkbox balances the black values across the hue range based on the default ink color set.

The White tab settings control how the White and Base channels are being generated. The White tab itself contains two sub tabs: Overprint and Base. The Overprint is designed to be a translucent white printed over the top of the colors. The Base is an opaque white used for printing under the colors on dark substrates.
the tab containing both the white highlight and white base settings
the tab containing the white highlight settings
The slider to adjust the amount of white Highlight printing over each color
The white highlight's overall value adjustment
 the slider to set the cutoff for the White Highlights lightest values
Sliders to adjust the white highlight values by percentage
Sliders to adjust the amount of white highlight printing over each color
the tab containing the White Base settings
A group of sliders to adjust the base percentage and clip values
The sliders to adjust the white base values by percentage
the slider to set the cutoff for the maximum amount of White Base
The slider to adjust the amount of choke applied to the white base
the slider to adjust the amount of white base under each color
• White Tab
Displays settings for both the White highlight and Base white channels.
Overprint White
• Overprint Tab
The tab displays controls for adjusting the White Highlight.
• Colors
The slider controls the amount of White printing into the colors. Higher values generate more white.
• Highlight Curve
Adjusts the highlight values across all colors and saturation levels.
• Clip
The setting determines the cut off for the highlight at its lightest.
• Percentage Sliders
Sets the curve to the values entered.
• White Levels
The sliders ( Yellow through Purple) adjust the amount of White in the colors.
Base White
• Base Tab
The Base tab settings control the density of the base white. This can be adjusted to allow more or less substrate to show through.
• Base Curve Sliders
Adjusts the Base values by percentage. The sliders can be used to increase or decrease the amount of ink coverage overall.
• Base Percentage
Adjusts the base values by percentage
• Clip
The setting determines the amount of Base White printing with 100% coverage.
• Choke
The slider determines the amount of choke applied to the base in pixels. The choke makes the base slightly smaller then the rest of the colors allowing for better registration. The higher the Choke value the smaller the Base. The outer edge of the base is determined by the original images transparency.
• Base Levels
The sliders ( Yellow through Purple) allow the amount of Base to be adjusted for each color.