Custom White 2

Custom White 2

Custom White is a white generator script for Adobe Photoshop®. Custom White is a component of the YRGBK script, but the stand alone version allows a Highlight white and a Base white to be generated in the working document, or in a new document, as needed.

Find the read-me txt file in the download for complete installation instructions. The Script should be installed in Adobe Photoshop’s®  Scripts folder for best results. Copy the entire pspscripts folder, containing the CustomWhite.jsx file, to the applications scripts folder:
~ /Adobe Photoshop/presets/scripts

Before beginning it is best to configure Adobe Photoshop’s color settings. In the applications menu go to Edit/Color Settings. In the color settings menu set the working spaces RGB profile to Adobe RGB.

Set the Gray working space and the Spot working space to the same values. For screen printing on textiles a Dot Gain setting of 30% to 40% is recommended, depending on your materials. To set a value above 30%, select the  Spot or Gray drop down and choose Custom. In the window that opens, enter a value in the 50% box. For a Dot Gain of 35%, for example, set 50% to 85%.

Processing a file
Start with an Adobe Photoshop document, in RGB mode, containing a single layer on a transparent background. It is best, for generating a white highlight and Base white, if transparency surrounds the entire image. Merge all layers but do not flatten, and save this as a new document. In the Applications menu select:
File/Scripts/PSP CustomWhite2

When the script is selected in the script menu a dialog will open displaying the scripts options.

Custom White – Highlight and Base White.
The Custom white dialogs allow the white highlight and the Base white to be customized.

Custom White
The  main dialog displays the  options for creating the White channels.

• Custom White Check box – Displays the custom Highlight and Base White options window.

• The Custom White Slider determines how far into the colors the White prints. The Higher the number the more white is generated.

• Customize Base – Opens the Base white options dialog

• Show Dialog – Displays the Adobe Photoshop dialogs available for the white generator.

• Substrate Channel –  Generates a blank channel named Substrate

• New document – Creates a new document with the white channels. Unchecked, the white channels are place in the original document

White Generator- Highlight

• Highlight Curve – The Curve value sliders determine the value ranges printed by the Highlight white. The clip slider controls the cutoff value for the white, while the remaining sliders control the percentages.

• Customize Base – Opens the Base white options dialog

• Show Dialog – Displays the Adobe Photoshop dialogs available for the white generator.

• Remove Highlight – The color sliders allow the amount of highlight printing over each color to be reduced. While the Custom White slider in the Main menu controls the overall amount of white printing into the colors, these color sliders allow each colors white overprint to be customized.

White Generator – Base

• Base Curve – The Curve value sliders determine the value ranges printed by the base white. The clip slider controls the maximum value for the white, while the remaining sliders control the percentages.

• Choke – The Choke reduces the size of the Base white using the transparency of the original image. By choking the base white the separation allows the separation to completely cover the Base when printed. The Choke amount is in Pixels. For a 300 ppi image, a Choke of 1 pixel is sufficient for high tolerance printing.

• Show Dialog – Displays the Adobe Photoshop dialogs available for the Base White.

• Increase Underbase – The color sliders allow the Base white density to be increased under each color separately.

Success – When the script has completed it will display the Success dialog. Checking the about box displays information about the script.