SimRip 3 and Print Preview

SimRip 3 and Print Preview

The SimRip interface with Print Preview selected.
Halftones for printing and preview
SimRip3 is designed to generate printable halftones. The high resolution output is suitable for making film.
In addition, Simrip can be used to preview the halftone dots as they would appear on press, providing an opportunity to make adjustments to a color separation before committing the image to screens.
Dot Gain in the Halftones

The concept behind print preview is simple, apply dot gain to each channel, like we get on press, before converting them to halftones. The resulting file is not intended for making screens, but rather provides a preview of how the halftone dots will appear in print.

The results can be printed to a calibrated color printer as a composite for a printed proof, or viewed on screen as a multi channel spot color document. Preview documents can be discarded without saving, after previewing

The Options

The Print preview function has two options, The Gain setting determines the amount of gain that is applied to each channel. The Output option lets you set a lower resolution to speed up the process, since the output is not intended for screen printing, but rather for previewing. For previewing on screen and printing color composites an output setting of 300 provides good results. This means your resulting file will have a resolution of 300 ppi.


You can calibrate the gain setting by comparing the print preview output to the results you are seeing on press. Run a separation through SimRip using the standard options, make your screens and print the results.

Now run the same separation through SimRip using Print Preview and compare the results either on screen or with a printed composite. Make adjustments to the Print preview settings until you get a value that matches your screen printed results.


The main benefit of running a separation through preview before making the conversion using SimRip is the ability to see the results of Dot Gain on press, before actually putting the separation on press.

The preview can reveal Issues such as areas of low percentage dots, ink coverage in color transitions, total ink deposits on dark garments, and the effects of screen rotation on the halftones. By looking at a preview of your halftone print before making screens many issues can be addressed before your separations hit the press.

Introducing SimRip 3

SimRip 3 – Halftones for Screen Printing

Introducing the latest version of the original Halftone generator for Adobe Photoshop®, SimRip 3. Automatically create halftones for screen printing within a multi channel document.

Ready to print Custom Halftones within Adobe Photoshop.

SimRip3 has been re-imagined with all an all new settings window displaying the Channel Names as well as the Dot Size, Angle and Shape.

Custom Halftones

With the custom Dot pattern controls in the main window, SimRip 3 provides a quick way to generate several of the most popular halftones.

New shape options have been added and now include a Halftone Line and a Round Dot, with the Standard Ellipse. Getting your separations into printable, custom  halftones, has never been easier.

The SimRip 3 dialog with channel names and more options.
The SimRip 3 dialog with channel names and more options.

Print Preview

The new preview option can be used to generate a document which includes the printers dot gain. This is extremely helpful for visualizing results and making adjustments.

Print Preview documents can be printed to an inkjet printer as a full color image, providing hands on previews of printed material. See the video above to see Print Preview in action.

Multi Purpose

From rapid prototypes and custom effects to printable output, SimRip offers several unique features for the screen print artist.


the All New SimRip

the All New SimRip

I am happy to announce the All New SimRip. Check out the video.

SimRip is all new and improved. Convert any multi-channel or CMYK document to high resolution printable halftones within Adobe Photoshop®. The code has been streamlined for  faster processing. SimRip now works from any open or closed document. Enter angle and dot size settings in a single dialog for all channels. Output resolution and transfer function too.

Quick SimRip video

(Update: this is the previous version of SimRip. Please see the new version above.)

In this video I start with a ready to print color separation. You can see the channels in the top left. First, I close the separation I am about to rip, and load the SimRip script from the Scripts menu. I am presented with an options window, and choose the options I prefer. Next, I am prompted for the document to rip, and select it in the Open window.
The script makes a copy of the file and processes the channels.